Tryouts for the APACH3 Clan are required to be accepted as a member of any status, letting anything over the top in a game be what determines officers and their individual rankings.
It's not like THAT'S hard or anything... The procedures to commence so are as follows:
Black Ops 1 (any system*):
1. You must obtain my ally code/gamertag. (or a sit-in where applicable.)
2. You must face me (or my sit-in) in a 1v1 private match on Nuketown FFA settings.
3. The allowed weapons/equipment:
-Ballistic Knife
-Combat Knife
-Any Equipment
-Any Tactical Grenade
4. Ranks/Clan Access is as follows:
-400 pts= Clan Member
-1000 pts= Clan Moderator (helps out the main leaders in keeping watch over clan members)
-1250 pts= Officer (right below Squad Leader. Helps the squad leader run the squad. 3 per squad.)
-1400 pts= Squad Leader (leads a squad of 10 other people of choice that pass the clan tryouts.)
-Win= Branch Leader (helps run that system and game "branch" of the clan. is also a mod on the website)
MW3 (any system*):
1. You must obtain my ally code/gamertag. (or a sit-in where applicable.)
2. You must face me (or my sit-in) in a 1v1 private match on Dome FFA settings.
3. The allowed weapons/equipment:
-Combat Knife
-Throwing Knife
-Any Equipment
-Any Tactical Grenade
-Any Killstreak
4. Ranks/Clan Access is as follows:
-200 pts= Clan Member
-800 pts= Clan Moderator (helps out the main leaders in keeping watch over clan members)
-1100 pts= Officer (right below Squad Leader. Helps the squad leader run the squad. 3 per squad.)
-1300 pts= Squad Leader (leads a squad of 10 other people of choice that pass the clan tryouts.)
-Win= Branch Leader (helps run that system and game "branch" of the clan. is also a mod on the website)
Black Ops 2 (any system**):
1. You must obtain my ally code/gamertag. (or a sit-in where applicable.)
2. You must face me (or my sit-in) in a 1v1 private match on Yemen FFA settings.
3. The allowed weapons/equipment:
-Ballistic Knife
-Combat Knife
-Any Equipment
-Any Tactical Grenade
-Any Scorestreak under 500pts
4. Ranks/Clan Access is as follows:
-400 pts= Clan Member
-1000 pts= Clan Moderator (helps out the main leaders in keeping watch over clan members)
-1250 pts= Officer (right below Squad Leader. Helps the squad leader run the squad. 3 per squad.)
-1400 pts= Squad Leader (leads a squad of 10 other people of choice that pass the clan tryouts.)
-Win= Branch Leader (helps run that system and game "branch" of the clan. is also a mod on the website)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii):
1. You must gain my brother's Wii friend code.
2. You must face off against my brother in a 1v1 match on a special custom-made map.
3. You must win with at least 2 lives left for clan access. No officer positions are given on this game.
Lord of the Rings Online (PC):
1. You must play on Firefoot
2. You must send a mail to Leafolas stating that ShowdownVD sent you and have him have the second-in-command confirm it with me on Facebook.
3. You must join Night Warriors.
4. You must be at least level 30 to be able to start trying out for an officer position. Details on this will come as needed.
*Note: I have a sit-in on other systems, but currently, the only system we are on is the Wii, and will soon be moving to the 360. Watch for changes in the tryouts listing.
**Note: I currently do not have a system that supports Black Ops 2. This will change over time. Be watching for a change in the listing.
I reserve any right to deny anyone access to the clan regardless of completion of the tryouts. Any argument with this will induce a hired hacker to send viruses to your system.
Not hard to follow I reserve any right to change any part of this tryout listing. I have the right to demote/promote clan members as I see fit. Clan members with the proper rankings will be allowed to view and participate in certain rank-based threads. Please watch for them.